If you’re embarking on your journey into computer science, there’s a critical concept you’ll encounter early on and use throughout your career – the concept of functions. Understanding how to define and use functions is fundamental to writing efficient, readable, and reusable code. So let’s demystify this essential programming tool.
What are Functions?
At their simplest, functions are reusable pieces of code. They allow us to group a block of code together under a specific name and execute that code whenever we need it. Functions can perform specific tasks, like calculating the sum of two numbers, converting temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit, or fetching data from a website.
The beauty of functions lies in their reusability. Once defined, a function can be used (or called) multiple times throughout a program. This saves us from having to write the same lines of code repeatedly and allows us to encapsulate complex operations under a simple function call.
To truly grasp the idea of functions, one might find it useful to visualize them as ‘black boxes’. When we use a function, we don’t necessarily need to know what’s going on inside it. We just need to know what type of input it requires, and what kind of output (if any) it will give us.
You can imagine the function as a black box that takes in input, does something to it internally, and possibly produces an output. This is analogous to a machine that receives raw materials (inputs), processes them in some way that may not be immediately visible to us, and finally outputs a finished product.

A function depicted as a black box that accepts input, produces output, and process internally.
In the diagram, “Input” feeds into the “Function/Black Box” which then processes it. The function might then produce an “Output”. Remember, not all functions will produce a visible output (more on this below), but they will always perform some internal process on the input.
Understanding functions as these ‘black boxes’ can help us better conceptualize how they operate within our code and can be a vital tool in understanding more complex programming topics down the line.
How to Define a Function
Defining a function involves giving it a unique name and specifying the code that should run when the function is called. This is usually accomplished using the def keyword (“define”) in many programming languages like Python, followed by the function’s name and parentheses (), and ended with a colon :. The code that the function will execute is then written underneath, usually indented to show that it belongs to the function.
Here is an example of a simple function in Python that prints “Hello, world!”.
def greet():
print("Hello, world!")
In this example, greet is the function’s name, and the code inside the function is print(“Hello, world!”).
Calling a Function
Once a function has been defined, it can be called (or invoked) using its name followed by parentheses. Here’s how we would call the greet function from the above example:
greet() # Outputs: Hello, world!
When we call greet(), the code inside the function is executed, printing out “Hello, world!” to the console.
Parameters and Return Values
Functions often take parameters—values you can pass into the function that it will use when executing its code. Parameters allow functions to operate on different data each time they’re called. Here’s an example where we add a parameter to our greet function:
def greet(name):
print(f"Hello, {name}!")
And here’s how we would call this function with the parameter “Alice”:
greet("Alice") # Outputs: Hello, Alice!
Functions can also return values using the return keyword. This allows them to produce results that can be used elsewhere in your code. For example, we could create a function that returns the sum of two numbers:
def add_numbers(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2
And here’s how we would call this function:
sum = add_numbers(5, 3)
print(sum) # Outputs: 8
Understanding Return Values and Differing Definitions of Functions
Before delving into the significance of modular and reusable code, let’s take a moment to explore the concept of return values and broaden our understanding of what a function is.
As we’ve mentioned earlier, functions often return a value – the result of their operation, using the `return` keyword. This value can then be used in other parts of your code.
def square(num):
return num * num
square_value = square(5) # The value 25 is now stored in square_value
However, a common question is whether all functions must return a value. The answer is no, they don’t necessarily have to. Some functions perform actions without necessarily returning a value. For instance, they might alter the state of the program or print something to the screen, without producing a value that gets used elsewhere. Such functions are often referred to as “void” functions in some languages.
In mathematics, a function always has an input and an output — you give it a value, it performs a calculation, and gives you a result. This would seem to suggest that all functions should return a value, but remember that programming functions aren’t always used the same way as mathematical functions. Sometimes, the “result” of a programming function is the action it performs, not the value it produces.
For example, consider a function that prints a greeting to the screen:
def greet(name):
print(f"Hello, {name}!")
This function doesn’t have a return
statement and doesn’t produce a value that can be used elsewhere in the code. Instead, its result is the action of printing to the screen. This distinction is crucial and helps us understand the versatility of functions in programming.
It’s also worth noting that even if a function doesn’t include a return
statement explicitly, it still technically returns a value. In Python, for example, a function without a return
statement returns `None`, a special value indicating the absence of a value.
Due to the long and storied history of computer programming, you will encounter differences in opinion as to whether or not a function must return a value. A few points related to this discussion are as follows:
- A function that does not return an value can also be referred to as a non-value returning function, a non-returning function, or a void function
- In languages and settings that insists that a function return a value, a differentiate is often made between a function (a callable block of code that returns a value) and a procedure (a callable block of code that does not return a value); Python does not differentiate
- A strategy of having what would otherwise be a non-returning function return a value of
has often been employed in the past
To sum up, for our discussion and the scope of this article, we’re allowing our definition of functions to include blocks of code that do not return values. We’re considering both actions and value-producing operations as valid “results” of a function, reflecting the versatile nature of functions in computer programming. Do keep in mind, however, this nuanced point as you move forward in your computer science exploration.
The Importance of Modular and Reusable Code
Let’s circle back to what is likely the most important point associated with initially learning about functions. Defining and using functions leads us towards writing modular and reusable code — an important paradigm in software engineering.
Modular code means that a program is divided into separate parts (or modules) that can work independently of each other. Each function serves as a module, encapsulating a specific task. This modularity makes the code easier to understand, test, and debug because each function is self-contained.
Reusable code, as the name suggests, refers to the ability to use the same code in multiple places without rewriting it. By using functions, you can write a piece of code once and reuse it wherever necessary. This not only saves time but also reduces the chance of errors and enhances the consistency of the program.
In summary, functions are a core concept in programming that enable us to create clean, efficient, and maintainable code. As you continue your journey in computer science, you’ll find yourself defining and using functions to solve complex problems and build intricate systems.
Happy coding!