An Introduction to the Traveling Salesman Problem: Exploring Algorithmic Complexity


The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a fundamental problem in the world of computer science and discrete optimization. It poses a simple yet paradoxically complex question: “Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city once and returns to the origin city?”

At first glance, this problem might seem straightforward. After all, how difficult could it be to find the shortest route among a list of cities? However, the TSP is far more complex than it initially appears, embodying the crux of computational complexity and the nuances of problem-solving algorithms.

In this article, we’ll embark on a journey through the labyrinth of the TSP. As we unravel its complexity, we’ll shed light on the intrinsic limits of algorithms, and how these limitations influence the sphere of computer science and beyond.

The Complexity of TSP

Although the TSP can be easily described, its solution is computationally intensive. It falls under a category of problems known as NP-hard, meaning that as the number of cities increases, the number of possible routes grows exponentially, quickly outpacing the computational capacity of even the most powerful computers.

This code excerpt demonstrates the number of possible routes for 10 cities (change the num_cities variable value and watch how that number grows):

# Example of the growth in complexity
num_cities = 10
possible_routes = num_cities ** (num_cities - 2)

Brute Force Approach

The most straightforward method to solve the TSP is the brute force approach. This involves enumerating all possible permutations of the cities and calculating the total distance for each. The shortest route among these permutations is then the solution. While this approach is guaranteed to find the optimal route, it is computationally expensive due to the vast number of permutations involved.

Consider this – if there are ‘n’ cities, there are (n-1)!/2 unique routes to check (we divide by 2 because the route ABCD is the same as DCBA). This grows factorially with the number of cities, and even with a relatively small number of cities, the computation time becomes astronomical. For example, for just 15 cities, there are over 653 billion routes to consider.

When we reach around 20 cities, the problem generally becomes intractable for a typical personal computer. If we make a generous assumption that a computer can check a billion (1e9) routes per second, it would still take over 77,000 years to solve a 20 city problem using a brute force approach. Therefore, while the brute force approach is conceptually simple, its practical use is limited to very small instances of the problem due to its exponential time complexity.

Approximation Algorithms

Given the combinatorial explosion of possible routes, we often resort to approximation algorithms, which provide “good enough” solutions in a reasonable timeframe. They do not guarantee the shortest path but find a path that is close enough to the shortest one.

Greedy Algorithm

A popular approximation algorithm for the TSP is the Greedy Algorithm. This algorithm, at each step, selects the closest city that has not been visited yet. Despite its simplicity, the Greedy Algorithm can sometimes lead to suboptimal paths.

# Python implementation of the Greedy Algorithm
def greedy_tsp(distances, start_city):
    num_cities = len(distances)
    path = [start_city]
    remaining_cities = set(range(num_cities)) - {start_city}
    for _ in range(num_cities - 1):
        last_city = path[-1]
        next_city = min(remaining_cities, key=lambda city: distances[last_city][city])
    return path

Genetic Algorithms

Another fascinating approach to tackle the TSP is through the use of Genetic Algorithms (GAs). GAs are a part of evolutionary computing, which is a rapidly expanding area of Artificial Intelligence. Inspired by the process of natural selection, these algorithms encode potential solutions to the problem as ‘chromosomes’, and a group of such solutions forms a ‘population’. Over a number of generations, the solutions ‘evolve’ by means of operations like mutation and crossover (akin to biological reproduction).

In the context of the TSP, a ‘chromosome’ represents a possible route through all the cities. The initial population is usually generated randomly. The ‘fitness’ of each chromosome is determined by the total distance of the route – the shorter the distance, the better the solution. Pairs of chromosomes are then selected, based on their fitness, to produce ‘offspring’ for the next generation. These offspring are created through crossover and mutation operations, introducing new routes.

The process of evaluation, selection, crossover, and mutation continues over many generations, ideally converging on the optimal solution. Despite being a heuristic method and not guaranteeing the best solution, Genetic Algorithms are adept at searching through large and complex spaces, providing ‘good enough’ solutions in a reasonable amount of time. They also handle larger instances of TSP better than a brute force approach would.

# Simplified illustration of a Genetic Algorithm
def genetic_algorithm_tsp(distances, population_size, num_generations):
    # Initialization
    population = initialize_population(population_size)

    for _ in range(num_generations):
        # Evaluation
        fitnesses = evaluate_population(population, distances)

        # Selection
        parents = select_parents(population, fitnesses)

        # Crossover
        offspring = crossover(parents)

        # Mutation

        # Replacement
        population = replace_population(population, offspring, fitnesses)
    best_solution = select_best(population, distances)
    return best_solution


In conclusion, the Traveling Salesman Problem serves as a compelling introduction to the world of combinatorial optimization and computational complexity. It highlights the intriguing aspect of computational problems where a small increase in the size of the problem (number of cities) leads to a massive increase in the time taken to solve it. This is especially pronounced in the brute force approach, where even a modest number of cities renders the problem practically intractable.

We further explored the concept of heuristic methods like the nearest neighbor approach and the 2-opt technique, which offer feasible if not optimal solutions in significantly less time. These heuristics, while simple, offer an insightful perspective into the trade-offs between time, computational resources, and the quality of the solution – a constant theme in algorithmic design and analysis.

The article also touched on more advanced methods such as Genetic Algorithms. These methods, inspired by natural processes, not only help us tackle complex problems like the TSP but also open a window into the exciting realm of bio-inspired computing and artificial intelligence.

This post served as an introduction to algorithmic complexity, showcasing how simple problems can quickly become exceedingly complex as their size increases. The concept of tractability and the difference between polynomial and exponential time complexities have been implicitly introduced. As the world of computational problems is vast and diverse, it is essential to understand these concepts in-depth. Therefore, stay tuned for an upcoming article dedicated solely to the topic of algorithmic complexity, where we delve deeper into these concepts and discuss how they impact our approach to solving real-world problems.