Why Computer Science Students Should Consider Using Linux

Welcome, future computer scientists! If you are on your journey to understanding the world of programming and computer science, you’ve landed at the right place. We want to introduce you to Linux, specifically Ubuntu, and show you how it can significantly enhance your computing experience. But first, why Linux?

Why Linux and Specifically Ubuntu?

Linux is an open-source operating system that powers a large chunk of the internet, corporate servers, and other critical infrastructure around the world. But it’s not just its popularity that makes Linux worthwhile for computer science students. Here are a few reasons:

1. Deepens your understanding: Linux gives you the chance to understand computers at a deeper level. You interact directly with the system, learning about processes, system resources, permissions, and file systems. This knowledge is beneficial for any aspiring computer scientist.

2. Builds adaptability: Working with Linux helps you develop an adaptable skill set. Since Linux is the foundation for many servers, understanding Linux can help you in fields such as data science, web development, and more.

3. Encourages problem-solving: Linux promotes a problem-solving mindset. It teaches you how to troubleshoot issues, search for solutions, and read documentation – skills that are crucial in the field of computer science.

Why Ubuntu? Ubuntu is one of the most popular and user-friendly Linux distributions. It combines the power of Linux with an environment that’s easy for beginners to navigate. And due to its widespread usage among Linux users — and its use as a foundation for many other Linux flavors — you will never be left guessing on how to find help when you need it.

But why else choose Linux, and Ubuntu?

The Power of Open Source

Open-source software lies at the heart of Linux, with Ubuntu being one of its finest examples. This openness invites collaboration, innovation, and transparency. As a student, you can explore, modify, and even contribute to these open-source projects, enriching your learning experience. This not only provides practical skills but also teaches you to work in a collaborative coding environment, much like the ones you’d encounter in a professional scenario.

An Active and Supportive Community

Linux, and especially Ubuntu, boasts a large and active community. If you ever get stuck, you can always find assistance from these enthusiastic groups of developers. You can find an abundance of tutorials, forums, and guides that can help you navigate your way around any problem. For beginners, this supportive community can be a treasure trove of information and learning resources.

Efficiency and Control

Linux, being lightweight, is efficient and can breathe new life into old hardware. But what truly sets Linux apart is the control it offers over your system. Unlike other operating systems, where many system operations are hidden, Linux encourages you to dive deeper, understand better, and control more of your system.

A Gateway to a World of Programming

As a student of computer science, you’ll be dabbling with a lot of programming languages and tools. Linux, especially Ubuntu, is built with developers in mind. Installing programming languages, setting up databases, configuring servers, managing dependencies – all of these are often simpler with Linux. For instance, Python, a popular language for beginners, often comes pre-installed with Ubuntu, and other languages like Java, C++, or new ones like Rust and Go are just a command away from installation.

Industry Relevance

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Linux skills are highly valued in the industry. From powering servers to running on embedded systems and supercomputers, Linux is everywhere in the tech industry. A good grasp of Linux can open doors to careers in system administration, software development, DevOps, and more.


Choosing Linux, particularly Ubuntu, as your operating system can seem intimidating at first, but the learning curve is worth the effort. It paves the way for a more profound understanding of computer systems, provides a conducive environment for programming, and cultivates valuable industry skills. So, why not take the plunge and start your Linux journey today? Welcome to an exciting world of knowledge and innovation that will equip you for a successful career in computer science.