A Beginner’s Guide to Installing and Setting Up Python

Python is an incredible language to learn for aspiring computer scientists. It’s versatile, widely used, and relatively easy to learn. Anaconda is a popular Python distribution that simplifies package management and deployment. This guide will help you install Python using Anaconda on Ubuntu and set up your environment, so you are ready to start your coding journey. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Your System

Before we begin, make sure your Ubuntu system is up-to-date. Open the Terminal application (Ctrl + Alt + T) and type the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Enter your password when prompted. This will ensure all the existing packages on your Ubuntu system are updated.

Step 2: Download Anaconda

Navigate to the Anaconda distribution’s download page on your browser. You can find the latest version at this location.

For Ubuntu, you’ll want the Linux installer. Make sure to choose the Python 3.x version. Once the download is complete, note the location of the downloaded .sh file.

Step 3: Install Anaconda

Next, we’ll install Anaconda using the script we just downloaded. From your terminal, navigate to the directory containing the .sh file. You can do this using the cd command. For example, if you downloaded the file to your Downloads folder, you’d use:

cd ~/Downloads

Next, make the script file executable, so that you can run it on your computer:

chmod +x Anaconda3-2023.03-Linux-x86_64.sh

Now, install Anaconda by running the .sh script. If your file has a different name, replace “Anaconda3-2023.03-Linux-x86_64.sh” with your filename:


Follow the prompts on the installation screens. If you’re unsure about any setting, accepting the defaults is a safe bet. When the installation is complete, you’ll need to close and reopen your terminal.

Step 4: Verify Anaconda Installation

To verify the Anaconda installation, reopen the terminal and type:

conda list

This command should display a list of installed packages. If you see a list, congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Anaconda.

Step 5: Create a New Conda Environment

While not strictly necessary, it’s often beneficial to create a separate Conda environment for different projects. This can help manage package dependencies. To create a new environment, use:

conda create --name myenv

Replace “myenv” with the name you want to give to your new environment.

To activate this new environment, use:

conda activate myenv

Learn Computer Science with Python will be publishing a Conda quick reference soon, so keep your eyes open.


You’ve successfully downloaded and installed Python using the Anaconda distribution on your Ubuntu system. Now, you’re ready to start your journey in computer science with Python. Happy coding!